Fleet & Crew
Top-notch crew members have garnered the highest awards in aeronautics in the nation, year after year. Your safety is first every time you lift off with the experience and knowledge found in the cockpits of these CFI's. The aircraft located at Best Aviation, by Best Equipment Leasing, are well-maintained, tested, and constantly upgraded to ensure top safety precautions for your flight. We are proud to have well-maintained aircraft, with no aircraft flying more than 200 hours a week.
Flight Instructors
Flight Instructors (CFI, Certified Flight Instructors) are highly qualified instructors with years of experience ready to take your individual flying needs. They can share their real-world knowledge and guide you through your Private Pilot or Commercial license.
Flight Instructor
This would be a paragraph of the chief pilot

Welcome to the Fleet
July 12, 2023
Here i would type a paragraph of the planes and what kind of systems they have lkjasdf;lkj;lkajsdf;lkj;lkj;lkasd;flkj;lkj;lkjasdfasd;flkj;lkasjdf;lkj;lkasdf;lasd;flkj;alksdjf;lkj;lkjasdf;lkj;lkjasdl;fkjlkasdjfasd;flkja;sldkfj;lkjasd;flkj;lkjasd;lkfjalskdfj;laksdjf;lkjasd;lfkj;lkja;sdlfkj;lkj;alskdfj;lkj;laksdjf;lkj;lkajsdfasdf;lkjasd;lfkj;laksdjf;lkasjdf;lkasjdf;lkasjdf;laksdjf;laskdfj;alsdkfja;sldkfja;sldkfja;sdflkasjdf;lkasjdf;lkasdjf;laksdfj;alskdfj;alsdkfja;lsdkfja;lsdkfj;lkjasdf
Flight Instructor
next pilot with experience

Flight Instructor
and the last, if there's more I would be able to ad them

Sport Pilot Licence
July 12, 2023
If you are considering a Sport Pilot Licence we can also help with that, stop by and let us show you how we can make your dream of flight a reality. In just a few weeks and a couple of steps, you can have your wings and start exploring the world in a whole new way.

Cardinal C-177
Great VFR&IFR Trainer
You can come in any time and take a look, But you also have the option of seeing it in our 360 virtual Tour.
Great VFR Trainer
Cherokee 140
You can come in any time and take a look, But you also have the option of seeing it in our 360 virtual Tour.